
WH 2-11-19

In 2-4 sentences, please answer the following questions. 1.        Explain Christopher Columbus’s success and failure based on his original goals. 2.        Explain how the Conquistadors conquered the Aztec Empire. 3.        Explain what the differences (if any) the Portuguese wanted out of exploration compared to the Spanish. 4.        Explain Magellan’s success and failure in the realm of exploration.

World History assignment due 1-31-19 Please answer the following questions in 2-4 sentence answers. 1.        What power did the Roman Catholic Church have over people? 2.        What inspired Luther to write his 95 Theses? 3.        What did Martin Luther find so offensive about his time in Rome? 4.        What idea(s) did Martin Luther have that the Roman Catholic Church or the Pope would find offensive? 5.        Explain what Grand Master Albert gained and lost by breaking from the Roman Catholic Church.  

World History, World Geography, and United States History Schoolwork due 1-29-19

United States History due 1-28-19 Band of Brothers Interviews     watch the first 4 minutes and 25 seconds WW2 Crash Course part 1 1.        Explain how the Roosevelt Corollary was changed by the Good Neighbor Policy. 2.        Explain what Magic refers to during World War II 3.        What three areas did United States Army fight against Germany? 4.        Who was Ernie Pile and why was he significant? 5.        What was significant about the Battle of the Coral Sea? Second Assignment   In 250-350 explain who Vernon Baker was and what is significant about his life experience.

World Geo due 11-29 ( THIS VIDEO HAS GREAT VISUALS OF THE SITE) In 150 to 250 words explain how the builders of Machu Picchu adapted the area to meet the needs of the residents of that city?

homework due 12-6-18

U.S. History In 2-4 sentences answer each of the following questions: 1.        What impact did Henry Ford have on manufacturing in the United States during the 1920’s? 2.        What impact did modern appliances have on the lives of people in the United States?   3.        What impact did the automobile have on the lives of Americans? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Geography In 2-4 sentences answer each of the following questions: What are some of the Ecological costs/negative impacts associated with the Three Gorgers Dam? What are some of the benefits of this project? What are the grea...

Quizlet example

World Geography assignment due 11-8-18 Canada #1 Canada video #2 US GOVT #1 Local  Texas Govt Answer the following: 1. How are the governmental structures of the Unites States and Canada similar? 2. How are the governmental structures of the United States and Canada different ?

World History assignment due 11-8-18

World History Assignment In 2-4 Sentences answer the following questions 1.        Explain what having four Emperors in one year means for the Roman Empire 2.        Explain the role of the Praetorian Guard in the life of the Roman Emperor. 3.        Explain the significance of Emperor Constantine allowing Christianity as a legal religion of Rome. 4.        Explain the symbolism for stating you are the Son of God for a poor Jewish man living under Roman Rule. 5.        Explain the symbolism for stating you are the Son of God for a Roman Emperor.

U.S. History assignment due 11-8-18

Assignment Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois Answer the following questions in 3-5 Sentences   1.        Describe the strengths and weaknesses in Booker T. Washington’s vision for African-Americans in the United States. 2.        Describe the strengths and weaknesses in W.E.B. DuBois vision for African-Americans in the United States. 3.        After briefly examining both these people - Who do you think is right and why?

United States History due 11-6-18 Changing role of Women in Medicine Early 20 th Century medicine Spanish Flu 1. In 2-4 sentences describe the impact of the Spanish Flu on World War 1 2. In 2-4 sentences describe why the Spanish Flu was more dangerous to Healthy people instead of unhealthy people                                                                                  ...

World History due 11-6-18

Your papers are due 11-6-18 day.

World Geography due 11-6-18 Geography of Mexico and Central America 1.        What is the geographical similarity between the Peaks of the Sierra Madre Occidental and Peaks Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains? 2.        Why is the soil in the plateaus of Northern Mexico so rich? 3.        What is normally used to determine borders in Central America? 4.        List the terrains found in the countries of Central America? 5.        What is the best way for a person to plan for an Earthquake? 6.        List the factors in Guatemala that make it ideal for growing coffee. 7.     ...

world history 11-1-18

World  History Roman Soldiers tactics Jewish Revolt vs Rome Masada

World History due 11-1-18 review and prepare for in class discussion

U.S. History due 11-1-18 14 points lecture review assignments and  prepare for in class discussion

World History Project due week of 11-12-18

You have been hired by the Kardashians to help create their new show Rome around the Classical World in style . You and your team will need to research one of the topics below and present them to the creative team for the show. You will be presenting your topic to your World History class the week of on November 12 th . You will have no more than 10 minutes to present your topic.  You may use any of the following mediums: Graphics novels, student created movies, skits, traditional presentations, epic poems with or without interpretive dance, digital/ 3-D models. Topics and presentation dates will be on a first come first service basis you must provide a list of team members, presentation date, and topic in order lock all three in place. The life and evolution of the Roman Soldier The impact of Roman Architecture How the Fall of Rome impacted Western Europe The evolution of Roman Government Roman conquest and rule of: (only o...

U.S. History Project due week of 11-13-18

In a two-person group (one group will have 3 people) choose one of the scenarios below (each scenario can only be chosen by one group) and present your finding. You will be presenting your topic to your  United States History class during the week of  November 12 th . You will have no more than 10 minutes to present your topic You may use any of the following mediums: Graphics novels, student created movies, skits, traditional presentations, epic poems, digital/ 3-D models. Topics and presentation dates will be on a first come first service basis you must provide a list of team members, presentation date, and topic in order lock all three in place. Progressive Era Amendments (detail how they came about, the impact at the time of passage, and what impact they have today): (each one below is a separate project). 16 th Federal Income Tax 17 th Election of Senators 18 th Prohibition 19 th Women’s right to vote Analyze the impact of ...

United States in class make up assignment for 10-25-18

Write a 1/2 page essay explaining the Espionage Act of 1917

World History due 10-30-18 Read pages 156-167 One Minute Presentation due 10-30-18

U.S. History due 10-30-18 Please read the chapter above and be prepared to deliver your monologue on Tuesday 10-30-18. There are no questions due on Tuesday.

World Geography complete for 10-30-18 Mudslide Flash flood Controlled Avalanche Typhoon #1 Typhoon #2

World Geo. Semester 1 Cycle 2 project

The year is 2050 and you are responsible for overseeing process that will determine the location for your company’s new global headquarters. You have been given carte blanche to place it anywhere in the world as long as your new headquarters meets the following qualifications. The location is stable and sustainable both socially and environmentally. The location can be customized to meet the companies needs for the next fifty years. The weather will not cause any unnecessary delays to your business. You will want to ensure that the agricultural division will be able grow test crops. You will need ensure Human Resources will have a desirable locations so they are able to recruit talented new employees. You must the ensure the Electronics Division will be able to have raw material delivered to the site, and finished products shipped to customers thought-out the world.

World Geogrpahy 10-23-18 IN class make up

THE POWER OF WATER ? WOULD YOU WANT TO LIVE IN THE WINWARD OR LEEWARD SIDE ? power of water :28 Oceans and Mountain impact on climate plate tectonics Why is Mount Everest so tall? Why we know the earth is not flat

World Geography due 10-25-18 landforms video Why Rivers Curve How Landforms change 1.        How is an Oxbow Lake formed? 2.        What is Volcanism? 3.        Name the place in the United States that deals with Volcanism more often than anywhere in the United States. 4.        Describe Periglacial Erosion.

World History due 10-25-18 Roman Roads Roman Aqueducts and Arches  No Questions - paper due on 10-25-18 

United States History due 10-25-18 Battle of the Argonne Forest Quick overview of WW1/ Christmas Truce WW1 Global Connections WW 1 US Army footage  No Questions  - be prepared to discuss the videos in class.

wh in class 10-23-18

10-23-18 in class World History Roman Citizenship Roman Army A day in the life of a Roman Soldier 1. Is it better to be a roman citizen Yes/No and   why ? 2. What is the advantage Rome has over its enemies in Germany ? 3. Other than combat what does the legion do for the empire ?

World History In class 10-16-18

World History Early Rome Roman Society and Political structure What does Early Roman History say about the later Roman People? What does Early Roman Leadership say about how the people of Rome chose to be ruled?

World Geography due 10-23-18 1.        How did Geography protect Ancient Greece? 2.        How does Greek Geography impact modern Greek GDP? 3.        Does climate always predict wealth? 4.        What makes it difficult for Greece to build up their modern infrastructure? 5.          Describe the significance of the Greek Navy and the Black Sea?

World History due 10-23-18 ] Read pages 156 -169, take notes, and be prepared to discuss in class. Your 2-3 page paper is due on Thursday 10-25-18

United States History Due 10-23-18

Read this chapter and answer the following questions In 2-4 sentences answer each question: 1.        Describe the role of General John J. Pershing and the American soldiers on Europe’s Western Front. 2.        Describe the impact of the American Industry on the English, French, and Russian War effort. 3.        Describe the convoy system and its role in the Great War. 4.    Why is it called the Great War?

World History 10-18-18 in class work

Rome Crash Course Questions 1.        Stop at 1.57 – Do you think having two Consuls – one Domestic and One International was a good idea or bad idea (what are the strengths and weaknesses of such a system) and why do you think that? 2.        Stop at 3:05 – what is the significance of being a dictator in Rome and giving up your power / why would you give up that power? 3.        What could make you give up that power? 4.        Stop at 5:10 Why would Caesar care who killed his enemy? 5.        Stop at 6:20 why would they Senators think that the Republic would come back after Julius Caesar died? 6.        Stop at 7:23 why do you think the second Triumvirate failed / why do you think people thought it would succeed? 7.        Stop at 10:30 what drove those R...