This is the place where 9-12 grade students at Anne Frank Inspire Academy will be able to find their homework assignments along with any updates from me about their class.
The year is 2050 and you are responsible for overseeing process that will determine the location for your company’s new global headquarters. You have been given carte blanche to place it anywhere in the world as long as your new headquarters meets the following qualifications. The location is stable and sustainable both socially and environmentally. The location can be customized to meet the companies needs for the next fifty years. The weather will not cause any unnecessary delays to your business. You will want to ensure that the agricultural division will be able grow test crops. You will need ensure Human Resources will have a desirable locations so they are able to recruit talented new employees. You must the ensure the Electronics Division will be able to have raw material delivered to the site, and finished products shipped to customers thought-out the world.
World History Silk This guy is why I avoid tourists when I travel. Good images of China not so great narration. YOU CANNOT SEE THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA FROM SPACE! Top twenty list of Chinese Inventions (do not do the project described in this document) Terracotta Army Chinese Culture A 250 to 500-word essay that explains your process for taking notes. The essay should be double-spaced, font 11, and Calibri. There is a quiz on Friday that will cover everything we have covered this year. Questions 1. How were the Terracotta Soldiers found? 2. List som...
U.S. History Watch the following videos, take note of the Eras in United States History. You will then need to answer the questions listed as Assessment 3 below. Please also watch the videos on paper writing and note taking. We will be discussing them on Thursday. Explains the Reconstruction Amendments Black Codes Eras Assessment #3 1. What directly lead to changing the United States into an Industrialized nation? 2. In the 1870’s and before the early 1900’s what percentage of the population of the United States came from outside of the United States? 3. ...
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